Join Us!

The Diversability Advocacy Network (DAN) commits to the proposition that all citizens deserve access to quality healthcare. To that end, we have the following major goals:

  • Act as a trusted and reliable source of information about the changes coming to healthcare.
  • Hold special focus on educating policymakers on the long-term healthcare requirements specific to the population serviced through Medi-Cal and dual eligible Medi-Cal/Medicare recipients.
  • Advocate for older adults and all persons with disabilities to ensure the accessibility and continuity of care to people who must navigate a constantly changing healthcare system.
  • Share health care information, education, and advocacy outreach to under-served cross sections of northern California rural communities.

DAN membership is an informal, non-legal arrangement. It is a way for DAN to determine who would like to become more involved, and to allow us to provide maximum information and support to all of our meeting attendees as our Scope of Project rolls out through the northern region. In addition to DAN activity, your organization may choose to engage in conversation about becoming an Aging and Disability Resource Connection (ADRC) Partner. Please contact Carolyn Nava (, 530.715.5366).

DAN Membership Application

Introduction to Aging and Disability Resource Connection/No Wrong Door