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The Diversability Advocacy Network (DAN) commits to the proposition that all citizens deserve access to quality healthcare. To that end, we have the following major goals:
DAN advocates for legislative and health care changes that will impact individuals of all ages.
The Diversability Advocacy Network (DAN) commits to the proposition that all citizens deserve access to quality healthcare. To that end, we have the following major goals:
The Diversability Advocacy Network (DAN) is committed to ensuring that people of all ages who experience disabilities, functional limitations or chronic conditions achieve access to quality healthcare,
February 18, 2020 – Event Audio Recording
DAN Coalition joined the Federal Administration for Community Living (ACL) in this community opportunity to provide input regarding Emergency Preparedness, Response, and Recovery.
September 23, 2019
In our second Leadership Voices flagship event, we focused on improving emergency readiness, response, and recovery. Our program placed special emphasis on evacuation and post-disaster care concerns pertinent to accessibility and continuity of care to seniors and persons with disabilities of all ages.
October 12, 2018
In this event, we focused on bringing you a basic understanding of local and regional healthcare changes on the horizon.